Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tattle phone time!

We have gotten to the end of the year and we have almost all 5 year old children now ready for kindergarten.  They are also ready to make sure that if something goes wrong, that they report it right away to their teachers!  First, I think it shows maturity when a child can come and tell me that they have found something not going right and then display to me that they know the rules of the room.  This goes a long way actually.  And then it goes too far!  We try all different ways to allow the child to handle their issues with friends in the room so that they are growing and learning how to handle things as they come.  When someone bumps you in line, you ask that child to stop, or you move and stand next to someone else.  This goes on all day.  Many things however, get reported by certain children over and over again.  At this time in the year it seems to be the thing to do, so we have put out a "TATTLE PHONE!"  The kids were so into hearing all about what this magic phone could do.  We began by telling them our principal had installed and answering button that connected to my desk phone.  We put it out with a note pad and some pens (which were very exciting to everyone), and the phone with the teacher's direct phone number.  So when they come to the tattle phone station, they get to write their name first (good fine motor and writing practice), and then dial my secret number (great number matching practice), and then the best part happens....they get to leave me a message!  It is so much fun for us to stand near by and hear all of our little classroom reporters leaving us messages about what is happening around the room.  It is truly one of the best ways to hear who knows the rules too!  Try it in your classroom.  It gives teachers and students hours of fun!