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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Conscious Discipline in your classroom

I have been reading on Heather's Hearts and it has really made me think about discipline and how it should be handled, especially with at risk children.  The thing I think has impacted me the most, is that all kids should feel good about themselves at school and it should be safe.  My classroom is that way for sure, but I want to impact others, the way the articles on Conscious Discipline have impacted me.  I am going to work hard this year treating every child the way I would want my own children to be treated.  I am going to keep reading Heather's Hearts too.  She has great ideas.  The first job I am going to put into place is the CHEERLEADER.  I am going to hunt for small wedding bubbles this weekend to start celebrating behaviors!  I cannot wait to get started.  I will let you know how it goes.